June 2024 Update! Things are going swimmingly

Hey everybody! Here's my update for the past month! Lot's of work done, lots more to do! 

  • Created a new tile
  • Built out Sea Cave, including unique dungeon mechanic. Walls/ceilings are still needed
  • Completed animations on water objects
  • Began initial underwater biome map creation. (more to come)
  • Built out Sea Cave, including unique dungeon mechanic. Walls/ceilings are still needed
  • Added turrets to Bastion of the Prism (a previously broken engine feature)
  • Raised the roof on certain rooms in Bastion of the Prism to fit bigger baddies
  • Fixed Shock projectile to remove itself
  • Shock projectile now plays a shock sound on hit Sound is too disruptive, and has been removed
  • Added an exit to Bastion of the Prism
  • Created boss for sea cave, including animations and special attacks/boss mechanics
  • Updated weeks worth of internal development documentation
  • Redid sea cave map with new tiles to be less monotonous
  • Created an debuff system, where visual feedback (outside of message log) shows when you are poisoned, stunned, etc
  • Modified wolf pelt sell price
  • HP bar is now draggable
  • Selling items now rounds the value to a nice whole number
  • Completed quest scripting that allows access to the underwater biome
  • Implemented the basics for a multi save system, including UI and hotkey shortcuts to allow multiple saves (saves write to user appdata folder)
  • Created some unique treasures for the sea cave
  • Modified UI to show HP and MP bar
  • Added a "special" ability tab on the ability UI
  • Added an additional map to the sea cave
  • Created a new tile
  • Redid sea cave map with new tiles to be less monotonous
  • Completed animations on water objects
  • Began initial underwater biome map creation (more to come)

That's it for this month! Keep following for more and don't forget to wishlist on steam! 


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